Hip Replacements

Hip replacement is a very effective way of removing the pain from an arthritic joint for the long term. The type of hip replacement that you receive depends on your age and level of function, as well as the quality of the bone in which the hip replacement is being sited.
Hip replacement requires admission to hospital for a number of days with the operation routinely performed on the day of admission to hospital and the length of stay, normally ranging from two to five days.
There are potential complications associated with hip replacement and Mr Dodd will discuss these with you at the time of planning your surgery.
It is important to record the state of your function before and after surgery to better improve outcomes and assess your progress and you will be asked to fill in online questionairres during your treamtent.
In order for the procedure to proceed you will need to understand the risks, benefits and alternatives of the operation and information on the consent process can be found here.
Further information is also available on the FAQ section of this website.
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